Transport for NSW
Rail Infrastructure
Unanderra Station Upgrade
The Unanderra Station Upgrade, delivered by Degnan as part of the Transport Access Program, has significantly enhanced accessibility and safety for both locals and commuters.
The project was an opportunity for innovation in design and construction methodologies. Working closely with Transport for NSW, Degnan incorporated biophilic design principles and celebrated both Indigenous and European heritage.

One of the key design highlights was the collaboration with the local Aboriginal community to include co-designed elements that bring their narratives into a built form, highlighting the experience of being in the landscape to view and experience key cultural landscape features of the area.
Degnan secured final ISC Certificates for Design and As Built Certification with a “Leading” rating — the highest level awarded by the Infrastructure Sustainability Council (ISC)

Other highlights included an extensive ‘reuse and recycle’ approach, interpretation of historical elements, such as the display of a restored Thornley Lever.

Innovations and sustainable design solutions include an Australian first using solar power to power site sheds

Biophilic designed buildings incorporate things like natural lighting and ventilation, natural landscape features and other elements for creating a more productive and healthier built environment.
The upgraded Unanderra Station has improved accessibility, with a new footbridge linking three new lifts for access to and across the station.

Collaboration with the local Aboriginal community to include elements that bring their narratives into a built form to highlight the experience of being in the landscape, to view and experience key cultural landscape features of the area.

Patterns and designs taken from the original Aboriginal inspired artwork from Auntie Elaine transforms the landscaping using sandblasting and colouring the concrete for the pathways to and from the station.
Scope of works
- a new footbridge and stairs with canopies
- three new lifts providing accessible cross corridor and platform access
- new kiss and ride zones, accessible parking spaces and bus zones on Berkeley Road (east and west) including seating and improved access paths
- upgraded station entrances with new pavements, pathways and landscaping
- platform modifications, including new boarding assistance zones
- updated station building with new family accessible toilet and ambulant toilet
- upgraded power services and communications room
- additional station lighting and closed-circuit television (CCTV)
Degnan’s Illawarra Station Upgrades:
Finalist in the 2024 Banksia Foundation awards for Placemaking.
Our goal was to produce station upgrades that prioritise user experience and accessibility, using a holistic approach that embraces urban design principles and celebrates natural elements.

Unanderra Station was opened in November 1887
Originally it was a private coal rail link from Mount Kembla to Port Kembla
The government took over the line from Unanderra to Port Kembla in 1912
The passenger service on this line began in 1919
The original Unanderra Station was a single-platform station complete with a single platform building and stationmaster residence.
The rail line through Unanderra was electrified in 1993