Transport for NSW
Rail Infrastructure
Bellambi Station Upgrade
Degnan successfully delivered the Bellambi Station Upgrade as part of the Transport Access Program, a NSW Government initiative aimed at providing accessible, modern, and secure transport infrastructure.
This project enriched the commuter experience while paying homage to the cultural heritage of the Wodi Wodi and Dharawal peoples.
The Bellambi Station Upgrade not only enhances accessibility and safety but has created a space where functionality meets cultural enrichment.

The stingray features across the new station building façade. The stingray is significant to the local Wodi Wodi and Dharawal people

This project prioritised community engagement and inclusivity and collaborations with Bellambi Public School and Neighbourhood Centre offering rail safety presentations and support during NAIDOC Week

For this project, Degnan closely collaborated with DesignInc, Coomaditchie United Aboriginal Corporation, as well as premier artists Lorraine Brown and Narelle Thomas, incorporating oceanic themes into the station’s stunningly beautiful architectural elements, which display the wobbegong shark and stingray which both hold much significance in the local Indigenous cultures

Perforated metal screens along the access ramp depicting the ray and wobbegong shark, which is native to Bellambi Point. Bellambi Point is deeply significant to the community, as it is recognised as an official Aboriginal Place.

Scope of Work
construction of a new station building with new accessible amenities
upgraded existing lighting to increase security
a new station entry ramp
two new accessible parking spaces
a formal kiss and ride zone
regraded footpaths
a new bike shelter and hoops
Degnan’s Illawarra Station Upgrades:
Finalist in the 2024 Banksia Foundation awards for Placemaking.
Our goal was to produce station upgrades that prioritise user experience and accessibility, using a holistic approach that embraces urban design principles and celebrates natural elements.

Trains operated in the Bellambi area well before a station was built. Several short horse and steam powered tramways were built in this area to carry goods from local mines/collieries to the seaside to be loaded onto boats at Bellambi Point.
One of these lines was built in 1861 by Taylor and Walker to carry coal between their South Bulli mine and a jetty at Bellambi Point (henceforth referred to as the South Bulli line). It was originally a horse tramway, but was later closed then reopened as a steam railway.
In 1887, the South Coast line opened between Clifton and Wollongong and crossed the South Bulli line. The crossing point became known as Bellambi.
It is unknown exactly when the station at Bellambi opened, but it first appeared in the timetable on 1st January 1889. At this point, it was a single platform located just south of the crossing between the two lines.On 17th January 1902, a triangular connection was built between the two lines, allowing trains from the South Bulli line to access the South Coast line and Wollongong Harbour.
On 25th September 1913 the line was doubled north of Bellambi, converting the side platform to an island platform, to allow for the increasing traffic on the line.
The line to the south was doubled in 27th May 1923.