Sydney Trains
Rail & Bridges
Glenfield Station Canopy
Degnan was engaged by Sydney Trains to construct a new canopy at Glenfield Station as part of the Existing Network Enhancements (ENE) program. Built on platforms 1 and 2, the canopy installation also included new pile foundations as well as upgrades to lighting, CCTV, PA, SPID and stormwater drainage systems. The canopy structure was constructed from steel, with the roof constructed from a Riteck custom roof system.

In addition to the canopy, Degnan installed new seating, windbreaks and bins. Platform indicators and new signage were also installed under the new canopy.
The work was carried out in a live rail environment and the station remained operational throughout the project, requiring significant planning and coordination with station staff and the community. The project overcame challenges including constructing piling within proximity of services, limited track access and 1500v DC isolation permits, and coordination with multiple government departments.