Twenty-five employees in our NSW team also elected to complete the next stage of the program in August, MATES Connector training, providing the skills to be more alert to someone thinking of suicide and be better able to connect them with further help. Big thanks to MATES for providing this brilliant training and continuing to provide valuable support to the industry.
We recognise that the construction industry, in particular, faces significant challenges with some of the highest rates of depression and suicide of any sector; our Wellbeing Strategy is designed to make sure each employee knows they are supported and that we approach mental health’ first aid’ as being equally as important as physical first aid.
In times of crisis, please remember these essential support services:
MATES in Construction 1300 642 111
Lifeline Australia – 13 11 14
Beyond Blue – 1300 224 636
Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467